Wednesday 26 November 2008


Didn't trade last 2 days due to work commitment.
here's my view of yesterday.

Friday 21 November 2008

Thursday 20 November 2008

HLoOfTimeRange_v0 NinjaTrader Indicator

Indicator for drawing Open Range H/L.


#ahg1 is growing

Very excited today.. 1st time leaving my computer on over the night to record down all the chat logs proof to be very valuable.
the #ahg1 chat room is very much alive with many gurus from the original #ahg chat room chipping in. Looks like I got no more excuse to be lazy, time to put in effort and move ahead.

I like the view Stavros gave on stop lost, target, RR... here's an abstract. Hope he don't mind I paste it here.
I'd advocate not moving stop AT ALL, if your entries are truly in key areas, they are protected, and them being hit will help you with your next trade, paying for that information
Most areas are tested at least once... meaning you get your breakeven stop hit and then continues. -3 is better than the missed +20.
Think of it this way, let's say your average stop is 3 points,  that means that if 1 out of 6 trades that you don't move to breakeven actually works, you've more than paid for the rest you got stopped out on. 
Need to TRUST the math... believing in it is the key, that's why sim is so important, can spend the time taking the drawdown, and then seeing positive at the end of the week/month
 and say...hey, this ain't so bad!
Bring it on -3 bitch! that's one less until my next +20!
Do this, just for the next two weeks. Don't move your stop and see what happens.
Track closely, record every single stop.
You may still be negative, but that's due to other things, but you'll see that your cutting your potential profits short to save a few nickels
well you need to have a logical target as well, or you dont take the trade, if you miss it, oh well, let it go; you missed it, chasing it will only get another -3 in the column.
Multicar is so crucial in my opinion, when my first target gets hit i'm in a risk free trade without moving my stop. If my T2 gets hit, i've just paid for 2-3 stops at least.
Min target 1 of at least 3x RR

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Nice for Anek to Drop by #AHG1

[20:29] *** Anek-L10-ES ( joined
[20:29] .Anek-L10-ES. Good evening all
[20:32] .herbertdotcom-L1. sup Anek
[20:33] .herbertdotcom-L1. hows it going??
[20:34] .Anek-L10-ES. hey H how are you
[20:34] *** [1]jfw215 ( joined
[20:34] .Anek-L10-ES. all good here
[20:34] .herbertdotcom-L1. alright. still trying to become profitable
[20:34] .Anek-L10-ES. ya, that crap takes time man :(
[20:35] .herbertdotcom-L1. ya, not stopping until im there
[20:35] .Anek-L10-ES. agree, only real defeat is when you quit
[20:35] .herbertdotcom-L1. ive been trying to use the 5 sec lately. particularly tricky heh
[20:36] .Anek-L10-ES. I wouldnt touch it, until you truly understand the 1min/vol
[20:36] .Anek-L10-ES. If you open the 1 min for today
[20:36] .Anek-L10-ES. you could have seen the volume divergence at the DTOP in the morning
[20:36] .Anek-L10-ES. and in the afternoon reversal
[20:37] .Anek-L10-ES. it was going up on high volume
[20:37] .Anek-L10-ES. and all retracements on low volume
[20:37] .Anek-L10-ES. sign of momentum to come
[20:37] .Anek-L10-ES. 5 sec offers some "edges" because its faster
[20:37] .Anek-L10-ES. but if you dont master the 1 min, its going to end up hurting you
[20:37] .herbertdotcom-L1. ya i need to get better at reading vol. period
[20:38] .herbertdotcom-L1. getting a little better at spotting divergences and what high and low vol is
[20:38] .Anek-L10-ES. when you have reversal pattern
[20:38] .Anek-L10-ES. say
[20:38] .Anek-L10-ES. double top
[20:38] .Anek-L10-ES. double bottom
[20:38] .Anek-L10-ES. 2B
[20:38] .Anek-L10-ES. W
[20:38] .Anek-L10-ES. that sort of thing
[20:39] .Anek-L10-ES. you want the 1st leg
[20:39] .herbertdotcom-L1. congrats on L10 btw =]
[20:39] .Anek-L10-ES. to have exhaustion volume
[20:39] .Anek-L10-ES. hah!, just a #
[20:39] .Anek-L10-ES. real big volume bar
[20:39] .Anek-L10-ES. then the 2nd attemtp
[20:39] *** jfw215 quit (Ping timeout for jfw215[])
[20:39] *** [1]jfw215 changed nick to jfw215
[20:39] .Anek-L10-ES. should have at most medium to little volume
[20:39] .Anek-L10-ES. if its at the top
[20:39] .Anek-L10-ES. it doesnt matter if the 2nd top is a HH
[20:39] .Anek-L10-ES. just has to be minimal vol in comparison to the 1st
[20:40] .Anek-L10-ES. means all the demand is over
[20:40] .Anek-L10-ES. and most of the stops were hunted
[20:40] .Anek-L10-ES. vice versa for the bottoms
[20:40] .Anek-L10-ES. 1st leg on exhaustive volume
[20:40] .Anek-L10-ES. 2nd leg on little volume
[20:40] .Anek-L10-ES. even if its a LL
[20:40] .Anek-L10-ES. just make sure its CONFLUENTIAL
[20:40] .Anek-L10-ES. something in the anchor supporting it
[20:41] .Anek-L10-ES. remember that price doesnt like to reverse just anywhere
[20:41] .Anek-L10-ES. mid air, doesnt make it happen
[20:41] .Anek-L10-ES. key areas do
[20:41] .Anek-L10-ES. and thats the confluence I look for
[20:41] .herbertdotcom-L1. ya confluence is the close today, wished market was open longer so i could shot
[20:41] .CasperCRF. hey
[20:41] .herbertdotcom-L1. short
[20:41] .herbertdotcom-L1. where/when do you decide to enter when playing a reversal like this?
[20:41] .Anek-L10-ES. also dont confuse a pause in the trend with a reversal
[20:41] .Anek-L10-ES. hi Casper
[20:41] .Anek-L10-ES. sometimes when the trend has been very strong
[20:41] .Anek-L10-ES. it needs a pause
[20:41] .Anek-L10-ES. a rest
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. thats when amateurs start  looking for reversals
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. and weak shorts
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. start covering
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. assumign it was a downtrend
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. then it will dance around a range
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. even make you think it did a Higher High
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. but in truth is just consolidated
[20:42] .herbertdotcom-L1. in the middle of nowhere
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. this is perfect time
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. to re-short the upper range of the range
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. for the second leg down
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. rarely and I mean very rarely
[20:42] .Anek-L10-ES. does price reverse off a consolidation channel
[20:43] .Anek-L10-ES. its usually
[20:43] *** Stavros-L3|SimES ( joined
[20:43] .Anek-L10-ES. DT, DB, H and S, M, W, I H and S
[20:43] .herbertdotcom-L1. lunch yesterday an exampe of this right
[20:43] .Anek-L10-ES. not a tube
[20:43] .Anek-L10-ES. well lunch is notorious for consolidation
[20:43] .Anek-L10-ES. all volume dries up
[20:43] .Anek-L10-ES. and price just flies thru a channel
[20:44] .Anek-L10-ES. Im just saying consolidation after a trend, usually means
[20:44] .Anek-L10-ES. pause until the 2nd leg
[20:44] .Anek-L10-ES. and consolidation is consolidation, not reversal
[20:44] .Anek-L10-ES. and dont forget that reversals must be confirmed
[20:44] .Anek-L10-ES. just because it has two identical legs at support
[20:44] .Anek-L10-ES. doesnt mean its a DB
[20:45] .Anek-L10-ES. until the S is broken it will look like a DB
[20:45] .Anek-L10-ES. always
[20:45] .herbertdotcom-L1. ya
[20:45] .Anek-L10-ES. and just because it paused
[20:45] .Anek-L10-ES. doesnt mean it will hold
[20:45] .Anek-L10-ES. usually you want that mid point to do a magic tick
[20:45] .Anek-L10-ES. and the retracements
[20:45] .Anek-L10-ES. to make HLs
[20:45] .Anek-L10-ES. then you migth have something
[20:45] .Anek-L10-ES. assumign the DB is at a confluential point
[20:46] .Anek-L10-ES. anyway, good trading to all
[20:46] .Stavros-L3|SimES. that "W" at 2:00 was a perfect example of reaction and not prediction
[20:46] .Anek-L10-ES. take care H
[20:46] .Anek-L10-ES. right 
[20:46] .herbertdotcom-L1. if the first leg of a DB has exhaustin vol, and the next leg is falls with light vol, can u enter on a HL?
[20:46] .Anek-L10-ES. cay Casper
[20:46] .Anek-L10-ES. cya
[20:46] .CasperCRF. cya
[20:46] *** Anek-L10-ES ( left ()


2 Trades, USD143.30 net. Hope to do better next time. Need to observe S&R more.
I've just coded the HLoOfTimeRange indicator, similar to that used by Anekdoten in his charts.
Let's see how useful this is.

Tuesday 18 November 2008


Didn't actually trade, queued for the short but not filled. Wasn't very sure to enter or not as it has yet to reach the S turn R line.
BTW I've switched over to TICK charts as the VOL chart keep crashing on me when I try to refresh historical data. Not sure is that a bug with NT.

Monday 17 November 2008

More AHG Files

Here is another of my AHG collection. Remember pulling this down somewhere from the net. I've inserted the pictures, hope this will be useful for all AHG fans out there.

Friday 14 November 2008


Need to work on my discepline. There isn't clear sign of px reversal when I enter, mearly hope that px will bounce off those points.

Thursday 13 November 2008

Anek Trade 20081112

Simply amazing... this is first ever Anek's post with actual entry/exit.
One single trade for the day with profit of $106625 !!!!

BTW his screen is sure huge, see how small ninjatrader control bar was.

AHG Files

I've upload a couple of AHG files, hope it'll help more people out there learning the AHG method.
Many thanks to ____ who compiled these.

Accuracy vs Expectancy

Got this tag-line from AHG chat room on
"Where accuracy is of no concern, but expectancy is"
It pin-point the problem I've as describe in my yesterday's trade. Expactancy is key, why worry about accuracy of trade? 


Observation for the day. Good setup to short the market but didn't execute as planned. Too many consideration, having the mindset that all trades must be correct, in reality, losing is part of business

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Anek's Magic

Got this from elitetrader forum.
Fantastic trade by Anek. USD16830 in one day!!!! I would be very happy to make this in one month.

Monday 3 November 2008

Hot Sauce

Not related to trading, but if you like something to spice up your taste bug. Here's a good site to look at. They sell tones of HOT SAUCEs from the states.