Tuesday 9 December 2008


Took 1 long trade today. Entry was at a R wanting it to turn S. Px hit through my entry px and nearly took out my stop, it was near COD of the pivot that I'm looking at 28/11.
28/11 COD and HOD is very close, both in term of time and px. Worth to take another look at relationship of COD and HOD/LOD when they are so close.
Took 1 car out @ 50% retracement, had too many trades turn at this juncture. 2nd car out when price stall plus the end of OR15. This was a right move as price turns here after.

Last Friday's trade should be a good trade if only I pay more attention to px. the support level was 818 and not 817 that I'm targeting for, may be time to buy a bigger monitor. ;)